Relax Chill Hideout
Relax Chill Hideout

Relax Chill Hideout

Instant Confirmation
Relax Chill Hideout map

Room G, 1/F, Po Ming Building, 2-6 Foo Ming Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Select Slots



  • If the number of people exceeds your booking number, we will charge you an additional fee per head, and no refund will be made if fewer people turn up.
  • Please enjoy the Partyroom with care, if there is any damage to the Partyroom's facilities and equipment, the guest would need to compensate accordingly.

Cancellation Policy

After selecting the time slot and room type, you can view the related cancellation policy and details of Relax Chill Hideout.


歡迎來到銅鑼灣的Relax Chill Hideout,您的極致避世之所!我們誠摯地邀請您放鬆身心,享受一個專為放鬆和愉悅而設計的避風港。無論您是要慶祝特殊場合、和朋友共度美好時光,還是想獨享寶貴的「我」時間,我們多功能的空間為您提供了一張空白畫布,讓您創造難忘的時刻。在自由個性化的前提下,讓您的想像力奔放,將我們的秘密基地變成您獨特視野的寫照。發現與您渴望相融合的完美氛圍,讓Relax Chill Hideout成為您追求極致放鬆和愉悅的首選目的地。 設備: 雙人床,卡拉OK,Projector,MacMini,到會服務,非酒精飲品 (任飲)

Relax Chill Hideout
Relax Chill Hideout
Relax Chill Hideout
Relax Chill Hideout
Relax Chill Hideout
Relax Chill Hideout
Relax Chill Hideout
Instant Confirmation
Room G, 1/F, Po Ming Building, 2-6 Foo Ming Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Book Now


  • If the number of people exceeds your booking number, we will charge you an additional fee per head, and no refund will be made if fewer people turn up.
  • Please enjoy the Partyroom with care, if there is any damage to the Partyroom's facilities and equipment, the guest would need to compensate accordingly.

Cancellation Policy

After selecting the time slot and room type, you can view the related cancellation policy and details of Relax Chill Hideout.


歡迎來到銅鑼灣的Relax Chill Hideout,您的極致避世之所!我們誠摯地邀請您放鬆身心,享受一個專為放鬆和愉悅而設計的避風港。無論您是要慶祝特殊場合、和朋友共度美好時光,還是想獨享寶貴的「我」時間,我們多功能的空間為您提供了一張空白畫布,讓您創造難忘的時刻。在自由個性化的前提下,讓您的想像力奔放,將我們的秘密基地變成您獨特視野的寫照。發現與您渴望相融合的完美氛圍,讓Relax Chill Hideout成為您追求極致放鬆和愉悅的首選目的地。 設備: 雙人床,卡拉OK,Projector,MacMini,到會服務,非酒精飲品 (任飲)