JoyIn BBQ Party
JoyIn BBQ Party

JoyIn BBQ Party

Instant Confirmation

Room 304, 912-914 Trust Centre, Cheung Sha Wan Rd, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong

Select Slots



  • If the number of people exceeds your booking number, we will charge you an additional fee per head, and no refund will be made if fewer people turn up.
  • Please enjoy the Partyroom with care, if there is any damage to the Partyroom's facilities and equipment, the guest would need to compensate accordingly.

Cancellation Policy

After selecting the time slot and room type, you can view the related cancellation policy and details of JoyIn BBQ Party.


荔枝角1500尺雪糕繽紛風親子BBQ Party Room,一家大細都會鍾意! JoyIn以親子繽紛風格為主,裝潢以雪糕顔色為主題,環境舒適,配有豐富的玩樂元素。 適合百日宴、生日會、寵物聚會、朋友聚會。 JoyIn配備時下流行的AR遊戲。雖然坊間大部分Party Room都有遊戲機,但AR互動投影波波遊戲絕對係非常少見。過百呎房間有得玩超過20款AR遊戲又有大型波波池,絕對可以玩得盡興!仲有帶有滑梯的長頸鹿充氣城堡。 JoyIn提供過千呎派對聚會場地,位於荔枝角市中心商業大廈,距離地鐵站只需1分鐘路程,交通方便易到達。 戶外露台更有日本櫻花帳幕,JoyIn的BBQ套餐已包括豐富食材及十多款飲品,更有額外的素食燒烤爐,亦可定制海鮮BBQ和火鍋蒸鍋等,絕對能滿足不同人所需。 位於荔枝角站1分鐘商廈,光猛安全24小時保安,適合BB車、輪椅、寵物 附近多個停車場。 於JoyIn包場亦可盡情享用多款玩樂設施: -街機、Switch、最新PS4 Games、幻彩飛鏢機等 -多款board games及紙牌遊戲 -最新6咪同唱歌音響設備,更配備80吋投影熒幕和65吋4K曲面大電視,遊戲體驗十足。 -1台自動1台電動麻雀 兒童設施亦有木廚房、兒童玩具等,令小朋友樂而忘返。 BBQ餐牌可向商家取得 適合各式各樣的聚會: 如Baby Shower、寵物親子聚會、學生活動、生日派對、節日派對、求婚滿月、歌迷聚會等。

JoyIn BBQ Party
JoyIn BBQ Party
JoyIn BBQ Party
JoyIn BBQ Party
JoyIn BBQ Party
JoyIn BBQ Party
JoyIn BBQ Party
Instant Confirmation
Room 304, 912-914 Trust Centre, Cheung Sha Wan Rd, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong

Book Now


  • If the number of people exceeds your booking number, we will charge you an additional fee per head, and no refund will be made if fewer people turn up.
  • Please enjoy the Partyroom with care, if there is any damage to the Partyroom's facilities and equipment, the guest would need to compensate accordingly.

Cancellation Policy

After selecting the time slot and room type, you can view the related cancellation policy and details of JoyIn BBQ Party.


荔枝角1500尺雪糕繽紛風親子BBQ Party Room,一家大細都會鍾意! JoyIn以親子繽紛風格為主,裝潢以雪糕顔色為主題,環境舒適,配有豐富的玩樂元素。 適合百日宴、生日會、寵物聚會、朋友聚會。 JoyIn配備時下流行的AR遊戲。雖然坊間大部分Party Room都有遊戲機,但AR互動投影波波遊戲絕對係非常少見。過百呎房間有得玩超過20款AR遊戲又有大型波波池,絕對可以玩得盡興!仲有帶有滑梯的長頸鹿充氣城堡。 JoyIn提供過千呎派對聚會場地,位於荔枝角市中心商業大廈,距離地鐵站只需1分鐘路程,交通方便易到達。 戶外露台更有日本櫻花帳幕,JoyIn的BBQ套餐已包括豐富食材及十多款飲品,更有額外的素食燒烤爐,亦可定制海鮮BBQ和火鍋蒸鍋等,絕對能滿足不同人所需。 位於荔枝角站1分鐘商廈,光猛安全24小時保安,適合BB車、輪椅、寵物 附近多個停車場。 於JoyIn包場亦可盡情享用多款玩樂設施: -街機、Switch、最新PS4 Games、幻彩飛鏢機等 -多款board games及紙牌遊戲 -最新6咪同唱歌音響設備,更配備80吋投影熒幕和65吋4K曲面大電視,遊戲體驗十足。 -1台自動1台電動麻雀 兒童設施亦有木廚房、兒童玩具等,令小朋友樂而忘返。 BBQ餐牌可向商家取得 適合各式各樣的聚會: 如Baby Shower、寵物親子聚會、學生活動、生日派對、節日派對、求婚滿月、歌迷聚會等。