Does Hotel One Eighteen have a swimming pool?
No, Hotel One Eighteen does not have a swimming pool.
Does Hotel One Eighteen have a gym?
No, Hotel One Eighteen does not have a gym.
Do rooms at Hotel One Eighteen have a bathtub?
No, rooms at Hotel One Eighteen does not have a bathtub.
Do rooms at Hotel One Eighteen have a kitchen?
No, Hotel One Eighteen does not have a kitchen.
Does Hotel One Eighteen provide free parking?
No, Hotel One Eighteen does not have parking spaces. Guests should look for parking lots in nearby establishments.
Does Hotel One Eighteen offer a free shuttle service to the nearest train station?
No, Hotel One Eighteen does not have a free shuttle service to the nearest train station.
Does Hotel One Eighteen accept daycation or day-use bookings?
Yes, you can book a daycation at Hotel One Eighteen on Flow. Choose your own check-in time and room type and you can have a room to yourself by the hour.
Does Hotel One Eighteen offer Flexi-Stay hourly bookings?
Yes, you can book a Flexi-Stay room with hourly rates at Hotel One Eighteen on Flow. Choose your own check-in and check-out times round-the-clock and book a hotel room for a few hours anytime from early morning to late at night.
Does Hotel One Eighteen offer free cancellation?
After selecting the time slot and room type, you can view the related cancellation policy and details of Hotel One Eighteen.
Where is Hotel One Eighteen located?
Hotel One Eighteen is situated in Tin Hau, Hong Kong. The full address is 118 Electric Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
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